Raising Link Awareness Project
From time to time we are approached by an elected official or governmental staff for assistance with developing or refining a policy related to The Link. This could take the form of providing data or helping to actually craft policies to help protect animals and humans from family violence.
Most recently we were asked to present an overview of The Link to the NM State Legislature’s Courts Corrections and Justice Committee. Board President Tammy Fiebelkorn and Rep. Jim Dines (R-District 20) presented to the committee on Sept. 12. Tammy gave legislators an overview of The Link, including a laundry list of policy changes needed to reduce all forms of family violence in NM, and Rep. Dines discussed introducing a memorial in the next legislative session encouraging the state departments of Children, Youth and Families and Public Safety to include The Link in their training plans for field staff.
Positive Links thanks Rep. Dines for his long-term support and assistance with our work. He is truly a Link Champion for New Mexico families! The presentation, agenda and the draft memorial are available by clicking below.
Positive Links now has brochures that are being distributed around the state. The brochures are a good overview of The Link, and they also resources for learning more about the topic. Of course, information on how to schedule a training or get more involved is also included.
If you would like to display our brochures at your business, agency or community gathering spot, just email us your address and we will mail you a stack.

We also now have display materials so we can have a presence at outreach events statewide. This will let us reach more people with information about The Link.
If you have an upcoming conference, convention or festival where we can distribute our information, please let us know!